First up we had Jason. He took to them quite well after a good ten minutes. He spent a lot of his time making mech warrior sound effects.

While Jason was walking on his own, we had Chris up trying it out.
Then Matt went and took his turn.

Matt did extremely well also!

Here we had Henry up on Stilts. He managed to get the hang of it after only a few short minutes!

Then Sam and a couple other people tried it out. Though the other pictures didn't turn out well, here's sam!

At some random point though. DJ stopped giving lessons and did a short demo.

Josie decided to join in as well.

Overall everyone had a blast. To view the entire photo album from Sunday. Please view the XD Bockers Group Photo Album.
If you're local and would like to attend another one of our events. Please join our facebook group. We'll be doing events weekly!
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